Papers 2021
- Planakis, N., Papalambrou, G., Kyrtatos, N., "Predictive power-split system of hybrid ship propulsion for energy management and emissions reduction", Control Engineering Practice, Volume 111, 104795, ISSN 0967-0661,6/2021
- Planakis, N., Papalambrou, G., Kyrtatos, N., and Dimitrakopoulos, P., "Recurrent and Time-Delay Neural Networks as Virtual Sensors for NOx Emissions in Marine Diesel Powertrains," SAE Technical Paper 2021-01-5042, 3/2021
Planakis, N., Papalambrou, G., and Kyrtatos, N. (October 21, 2020). "Integrated Load-Split Scheme for Hybrid Ship Propulsion Considering Transient Propeller Load and Environmental Disturbance." ASME. J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control. March 2021; 143(3): 031004.
Papers 2020
- Foteinos, M. I., Christofilis, G. I., & Kyrtatos, N. P. "Large Two-Stroke Marine Diesel Engine Operation with a High-Pressure SCR System in Heavy Weather Conditions", Journal of Ship Research, SNAME, 8/2020
- Planakis, N., Karystinos, V., Papalambrou, G., Kyrtatos, N., “Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for the Transient Load Share Management of a Hybrid Diesel-Electric Marine Propulsion Plant”, 2020 American Control Conference, Denver, USA, 7/2020
Planakis, N., Karystinos, V., Papalambrou, G., Kyrtatos, N., “A Predictive Energy Management System for a Hybrid Diesel-Electric Marine Propulsion Plant”, 2020 European Control Conference, St. Petersburg, Russia, 5/2020
Planakis, N., Papalambrou, G., Kyrtatos, N.,“A real-time power-split strategy for a hybrid marine power plant using MPC”, Int. J. Modelling, Identification and Control, Vol. 34, No. 2, 2020
Planakis, N., Karystinos, V., Papalambrou, G., Kyrtatos, N.,“Transient Energy Management Controller for Hybrid Diesel-Electric Marine Propulsion Plants using Nonlinear MPC”, 21st IFAC World Congress, 2020, Berlin, Germany
Foteinos, M. I., Christofilis, G. I. and Kyrtatos, N. P. (2020) ‘Response of a direct-drive large marine two-stroke engine coupled to a selective catalytic reduction exhaust aftertreatment system when operating in waves’, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, 234(3), pp. 651–667. doi: 10.1177/1475090219899543.
Papers 2019
- Foteinos M., Konstantinidis S., Kyrtatos N.,Busk K. V., "Simulation of the Transient Thermal Response of a High Pressure Selective Catalytic Reduction Aftertreatment System for a Tier III Two-Stroke Marine Diesel Engine", ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Vol. 141, July 2019
- Kyrtatos N., Stiesch G., Kytölä J., Heim K., "The HERCULES (2004-2018) Programme of R&D in Large Engine Technologies", 29th CIMAC World Congress, Vancouver, June 2019
- Planakis N., Papalambrou G., Kyrtatos N., "Power-Split Strategies for Hybrid Diesel Electric Marine Power Plant Using Predictive Control and Transient Load Preview", 29th CIMAC World Congress, Vancouver, June 2019
- Foteinos M., Cristofilis G., Kyrtatos N., "Transient Operation of a Large two-Stoke Marine Diesel Engine Equipped with a High-Pressure SCR Aftertreatment System in heavy Weather Conditions", 29th CIMAC World Congress, Vancouver, June 2019
Foteinos M., Papazoglou A., Kyrtatos N., Stamatellos A., Zogou O., Stamatellou A.M.,"A Three-Zone Scavenging Model for Large Two-Stroke Uniflow Marine Engines Using Results from CFD Scavenging Simulations",Energies 2019, Vol 12,1719, May 2019
Papers 2018
- Mouratidis A.,Foteinos M., Tzanos E., Kyrtatos N.P, "Estimation of ship performance decline over time due to hull fouling and/or engine deterioration using noon and performance reports and engine power calculations", H.I.M.T., Annual Meeting of Marine Technology, December 2018
- Vlon D., Foteinos M., Kyrtatos N.P., "Simulation of the transient operation of a large two-stroke marine diesel engine equipped with an exhaust gas recirculation system (EGR) for NOx reduction", H.I.M.T., Annual Meeting of Marine Technology, December 2018
- Foteinos M., Kyrtatos N.P., Transient Simulation of a Large Two-Stroke Marine Diesel Powerplant Operation with a High Pressure SCR Aftertreatment System, 27th Aachen Colloquium, October 2018, Aachen, German
- Planakis N., Papalambrou G., Kyrtatos N.P., Predictive Control for a Marine Hybrid Diesel-Electric Plant During Transient Operation, 5th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT), April 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece
Selected Papers 2006-2017
- Foteinos M., Tzanos S., Kyrtatos N., Ship Hull Fouling Estimation Using Shipboard Measurements, Models for Resistance Components, and Shaft Torque Calculation Using Engine Model, Journal of Ship Research, Vol.61, No. 2, June 2017
- Papalambrou G., Samokhin S., Topaloglou S.,Planakis N., Kyrtatos N., Zenger K., Model Predictive Control for Hybrid Diesel-Electric Marine Propulsion, IFAC 2017 World Congress, July 2017
- Topaloglou S., Papalambrou G., Kyrtatos N., Controller Design for Hybrid Diesel Electric Ship Propulsion during Transient Operation, 26th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE), Rhodes, June-July 2016
- Kyrtatos N., Stiesch G., Kallio I., From HERCULES A-B-C to HERCULES-2: A Classic Cooperative Programme in Large Engine R&D, 28th CIMAC World Congress, Helsinki, June 2016
- Topaloglou S., Papalambrou G., Kyrtatos N., Energy Management Controller Design for Hybrid Ship Propulsion During Transient Operation, 28th CIMAC World Congress, Helsinki, June 2016
- Papalambrou G., Karlis E., Kyrtatos N., Robust Control of a Manifold Air Injection in a Marine Diesel Engine, 8th IFAQ Symposium on Robust Control Design, Bratislava, July 2015
- Kyrtatos N., HERCULES-1: The Long Term (2004-2014) R&D Programme on Large Engine Technologies for Ships, 12th IMDC, Tokyo, Japan, May 2015
- Kyrtatos N., Papalambrou G., Topaloglou S., Stamatellos A., Zogou O., Design and Experimental Verification of a Variable Path Exhaust Gas Prototype Aftertreatment System for Marine Engines, 12th IMDC, Tokyo, Japan, May 2015
- Papalambrou G., Topaloglou S., Kyrtatos N., Control of a Marine Diesel Engine Combined with Electric Motor, Electric and Hybrid Marine World Conference, Amsterdam, June 2014
- Ioannou M., Papalambrou G., Kyrtatos N., Larsson D., Matlok S., Mayer S., Crank-angle resolved NOx measurements from a specific engine cylinder of a large marine two-stroke engine, Journal of Marine Engineering and Technology, Vol. 13, Issue 2,pp. 12-20, April 2014.
- Ioannou M., Papalambrou G., Kyrtatos N., Dumele H., Diessner M., Evaluation of Emission Sensor for Four-Stroke Marine Diesel Engines, Journal of Marine Engineering and Technology, Vol. 12, Issue 3,pp. 20-29, September 2013
- Kyrtatos N., Hellberg L., Poensgen C., Ten Years After: Results from the Major Programme HERCULES A-B-C on Marine Engine R&D, 27th CIMAC World Congress, Shanghai, May 2013.
- Kyrtatos N., Glaros S., Tzanos E., Hatzigrigoris S., Dalmyras F., Systematic Evaluation of Performance of VLCC Engine, Comparing Service Monitored Data and Thermodynamic Model Predictions, 27th CIMAC World Congress, Shanghai, May 2013.
- Papalambrou G., Glaros S., Topaloglou S., Kyrtatos N., Model Reference Adaptive Control of a Marine Diesel Engine Combined with Electric PTI/PTO Motor, PMC Powertrain Modelling and Control, Bradford UK, September 2012
- Ioannou M., Kyrtatos N., Larsson D., Mayer S., Fast Emission Measurements in the Exhaust Port of Large Two-Stroke Engines, ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division Spring Technical Conference. Torino Italy, May 2012.
- Kyrtatos N., The 10-Year “Hercules” R&D Program on Marine Engines , International Symposium on Marine Engineering (ISME), Kobe Japan, October 2011.
- Ioannou, M., Xepapa K., Stelios T. and Kyrtatos, N., Development of a NOx fast sampling system for Marine Diesel Engines, 26th CIMAC Congress. Bergen, Norway, June 2010.
- Kyrtatos, N., Hellberg L. and Poensgen C., HERCULES-B: The continuation of a major R&D effort towards the next – generation marine diesel engines, 26th CIMAC Congress. Bergen, Norway, June 2010.
- Kyrtatos, N., Tzanos, Ef., Coustas, J., Vastarouhas D. and Rizos El., Shipboard Engine Performance Assessment By Comparing Actual Measured Data To Nominal Values Produced By Detailed Engine Simulations, 26th CIMAC Congress. Bergen, Norway, June 2010.
- Papalambrou, G. and Kyrtatos, N., Control Development for Smoke Reduction through Inlet Manifold Air Injection during Transient Loading of Marine Diesel Engines, Proceedings of the ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division 2009 Fall Technical Conference ICEF2009, Lucerne, Switzerland, 27-30/9 2009.
- Papalambrou, G. and Kyrtatos, N., Controlled Injection of Compressed Air in Marine Diesel Engine Intake for Improved Load Acceptance, 2009 IFAC Workshop on Engine and Powertrain Control, Simulation and Modeling, Rueil-Malmaison, France, 30/11-2/12 2009
- Livanos, G. and Kyrtatos, N. P. Friction Model of a Marine Diesel Engine Piston Assembly, Tribology International, Vol. 40 (2007), Nos. 10-12.
- Kyrtatos, N. P. , Kleimola, M. and Marquard, R. , The HERCULES Project: A major R&D effort for marine engines of high efficiency and low emissions, 25th CIMAC World Congress. Vienna, Austria, May 2007.
- Papalambrou, G., Alexandrakis, N., Kyrtatos, N. P., Codan, E., Vlaskos, I., Pawils, V. and Boom, R., Smokeless Transient Loading of Medium/High Speed Engines Using a Controlled Turbocharging System, 25th CIMAC World Congress. Vienna, Austria, May 2007.
- Ioannou, M. , Alexandrakis, N. and Kyrtatos, N. P. , Individual Cylinder Ultra-fast NO Measurement for Marine Diesel Engines, 25th CIMAC World Congress. Vienna, Austria, May 2007.
- Livanos, G. , Papalambrou, G. , Kyrtatos, N. P. and Christou A., Electronic Engine Control for Ice Operation of Tankers, 25th CIMAC World Congress. Vienna, Austria, May 2007.
- Livanos, G. A. , Simotas, G. N. , Dimopoulos, G. G. and Kyrtatos, N. P. , Simulation of A Marine Diesel Engine Propulsion Systems Dynamics During Extreme Maneuvering, in ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division, Spring Technical Conference. Aachen, Germany, 2006.
- Livanos, G. and Kyrtatos, N. P. A Model of the Friction Losses in Diesel Engines, SAE World Congress. Detroit, MI, USA: Society of Automotive Engineers, 2006.
- Livanos, G., Simotas, G. N. and Kyrtatos, N. P., Tanker Propulsion Plant Transient Behavior During Ice Breaking Conditions, Sixteenth (2006) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference. San Francisco, California, USA: The International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE), 2006.
- Vlaskos, I., Codan, E., Alexandrakis, N., Papalambrou, G., Ioannou, M. and Kyrtatos, N. P., Design and Performance of a Controlled Turbocharging System on Marine Diesel Engines, ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division, Fall Technical Conference. Sacramento, California, USA, 2006.
- Livanos, G., Kanellopoulou, E. and Kyrtatos, N. P., Marine Diesel Engine Transient Operation with Reduced Smoke Emissions, Journal of the Japanese Institute of Marine Engineers (JIME), vol. 41, pp. 31-38, 2006.
- Papalambrou, G. and Kyrtatos, N., Hinfinity Robust Control of Marine Diesel Engine Equipped with Power-Take-In System, 11th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems, Delft, The Netherlands: The International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), 29-31 August 2006.
- Κυρτάτος, Ν.Π., "ΝΑΥΤΙΚΟΙ ΚΙΝΗΤΗΡΕΣ DIESEL - Θέματα Σχεδίασης και Λειτουργίας". Εκδόσεις Συμμετρία, ISBN 960-266-002-3, Νοέμβριος 1993.