Test Cell
The test cell currently houses two engines. The first one is an MAN-B&W Holeby L16/24 5-cylinder, 4-stroke turbocharged diesel engine having a maximum power of 500 kW and maximum speed of 1200 rpm. This is a newly designed engine that has only recently being put in production.The engine is mainly used for ship-board electric power generation. The engine is coupled with an AEG electric dynamometer feeding to the mains and allowing for complex transient loadings. |
The coupling between the engine and the dynamometer is realised via a shaft and an elastic coupling so as to equate a ship's propulsion power train. The engine starts to operate with an air starter which is connected to the compressed air circuit providing air at a maximum pressure of 30 bar. One of the main features of the MAN-B&W Holeby L16/24 engine is that it offers the possibility of optional fuelling with Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) as well as with Marine Diesel Oil (MDO). The fuel separation and conditioning system is used to provide HFO with viscosity in the range 12-18 cSt at temperaturesbelow 150°C, so that to ensure proper engine operation. |
The test cell also incorporates additional auxiliary systems, including the air intake and exhaust systems, the cooling system and the Diesel oil supply system.